The most beautiful birds in the world Part 2 | পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে সুন্দর পাখিগুলো পর্ব ২

1. কুয়াটজল / The quetzal
2. সবুজ ট্যানজার পাখি / Green headed tanager
 3. ব্লুজে / Blue jay
 4. ভিক্টোরিয়া ক্রাউন কবুতর / Victoria crowned pigeon
 5. রঙ্গিলা চ্যাগা / Painted Buntings
6.  লম্বা লেজ বিধবা / Long-tailed widowbird
 7. লাল ঝুটির তুরাকো / Red-crested Turacos
8. কাষ্ঠ হংস / Wood Duck
9. ওয়াক্স ডানার বহেমিয়ান / Bohemian Waxwing
10. আটলান্টিক পাফিন /Atlantic Puffin
11. কিল-বিল টুকান / Keel-billed Toucan
12. ফ্লেমিঙ্গো / Flamingo
13. মেঘো মাছরাঙা / Stork-billed Kingfisher
14. সবুজ ডানার ম্যাকাও টিয়া / Green Wing Macaw Parrot
15. উত্তরের ওরিওল / Northern Oriole


পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে সুন্দর পাখিগুলো পর্ব ২ । The most beautiful birds in the world Part 2
1. কুয়াটজল /The quetzal
The quetzal is a beautifully colored bird in the trogon family. They are found in forests and woodlands, abundantly in more humid highlands. All five of the species genus Pharomachrus are found only in neotropics, while the singular Euptilotis species is found in Mexico and the southern US.

2. সবুজ ট্যানজার পাখি/Green headed tanager
The green-headed tanager is a bird found in the Atlantic forest in south-eastern Brazil, far eastern Paraguay, and far north-eastern Argentina. As other members of the genus Tangara, it is a small colorful bird, measuring an average of 13.5 centimeters. 

3. ব্লুজে/Bluejay
The blue jay is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America. It resides through most of eastern and central United States, although western populations may be migratory. Resident populations are also found in Newfoundland, Canada, while breeding populations can be found in southern Canada.

4. ভিক্টোরিয়া ক্রাউন কবুতর /Victoria crowned pigeon
The Victoria crowned pigeon is a large, bluish-grey pigeon with elegant blue lace-like crests, maroon breast, and red irises. It is part of a genus of four unique, very large, ground-dwelling pigeons native to the New Guinea region.

5. রঙ্গিলা চ্যাগা/Painted Buntings
The painted bunting is a species of bird in the cardinal family, Cardinalidae, that is native to North America. The bright plumage of the male only comes in the second year of life; in the first year they can only be distinguished from the female by close inspection.

6.  লম্বা লেজ বিধবা/Long-tailed widowbird
The long-tailed widowbird, also known as the "Sakabula", is a species of bird in the family Ploceidae. The species are found in Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zambia.

7. লাল ঝুটির তুরাকো /Red-crested Turacos
The red-crested turaco is a turaco, a group of African near-passerines. It is a frugivorous bird endemic to western Angola. Its call sounds somewhat like a jungle monkey.

8. কাষ্ঠ হংস /Wood Duck
The wood duck or Carolina duck is a species of perching duck found in North America. It is one of the most colorful North American waterfowl.

9. ওয়াক্স ডানার বহেমিয়ান /Bohemian Waxwing

The Bohemian waxwing is a starling-sized passerine bird that breeds in the northern forests of Eurasia and North America. It has mainly buff-grey plumage, black face markings and a pointed crest.

10. আটলান্টিক পাফিন /Atlantic Puffin
The Atlantic puffin, also known as the common puffin, is a species of seabird in the auk family. It is the only puffin native to the Atlantic Ocean; two related species, the tufted puffin and the horned puffin, are found in the northeastern Pacific.

11. কিল-বিল টুকান /Keel-billed Toucan

The keel-billed toucan, also known as sulfur-breasted toucan or rainbow-billed toucan, is a colorful Latin American member of the toucan family. It is the national bird of Belize.

12. ফ্লেমিঙ্গো /Flamingo

Flamingos or flamingoes are a type of wading bird in the family Phoenicopteridae, the only bird family in the order Phoenicopteriformes. Four flamingo species are distributed throughout the Americas, including the Caribbean, and two species are native to Africa, Asia, and Europe.

মেঘো মাছরাঙা /Stork-billed Kingfisher
The stork-billed kingfisher, is a tree kingfisher which is widely but sparsely distributed in the tropical Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, from India to Indonesia. This kingfisher is resident throughout its range. It is a very large kingfisher, measuring 35 cm in length.

14. সবুজ ডানার ম্যাকাও টিয়া /Green Wing Macaw Parrot

The red-and-green macaw, also known as the green-winged macaw, is a large, mostly-red macaw of the genus Ara. This is the largest of the genus Ara, widespread in the forests and woodlands of northern and central South America.

উত্তরের ওরিওল / Northern Oriole
 The Northan Oriole or AKA-Baltimore oriole is a small icterid blackbird common in eastern North America as a migratory breeding bird. It received its name from the resemblance of the male's colors to those on the coat-of-arms of Lord Baltimore.

The most beautiful birds in the world Part 1 | পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে সুন্দর পাখিগুলো পর্ব ১


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